(General structure)


A body is a part of a car or other vehicle designed to accommodate passengers and goods. The truck body is attached to the frame of the wagon. The vast majority of cars have frameless body holders that simultaneously perform the role of a frame - to them are attached the rest of the knots and assemblies of the car. Also frameless body is typical of most buses.


The chassis consists of a frame (in the case of a frame structure with a non-permanent body), front and rear axles, suspension brackets and wheels with pneumatic tires. The frame is the basic element of the car, to which all the units and machinery are attached, as well as the body or cabin and the cargo platform of the trucks.

Road bridges transmit a vertical load from the frame or body to the wheels, and the forces of pushing and braking - from the wheels to the frame or body.

Springs are used as a spring element of the suspension; also use rod (torsion), rubber, pneumatic suspension.

For improved stabilization,wheels of vehicles are mounted with a certain tilt angle and lift angle.


The main type of engine of modern cars is a piston internal combustion engine. Cars with a gas turbine internal combustion engine have become widespread. Steam machines are now hardly used. By type of fuel for internal combustion engines distinguish:

  • gasoline
  • gas
  • diesels


Power transmission (transmission) is designed to transmit torque from the crankshaft of the engine to the drive wheels of the car. It consists of a gearbox, clutch mechanism, driveline, main gearbox, differential and axles connected to the driveshaft hubs. The transmission makes it possible to increase the torque on the drive wheels of the car while increasing the resistance to movement (for example, on lifting, during acceleration).

Control mechanism

The control mechanism of the car consists of two systems: steering and braking system. Steering consists of a steering mechanism and steering. The steering gear turns the steering wheel into an angular movement of the movable bipod.

In heavy trucks and buses, the steering system includes hydraulic or pneumatic amplifiers (servomechanisms), which increase the driver's effort and greatly facilitate its operation. There are two systems for braking in a car:

  • the main one acting from the brake pedal;
  • auxiliary (parking) acting from the manual lever.

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